Send your dog away to live in utter dog pack madness where she will regress or train her properly and stop,acting like shes a human with human feelings! Founded in 1996, Sam The Dog Trainer is a private, Phoenix-based company that provides on-site and online dog training services specifically designed to enhance the relationships between dogs and their owners. he once told me oh no oh my you dont know dogs at all. Help or please commiserate with me. The guy I am with hates dogs with a bloody passion and I have THREE. When I tell him that those dogs need to be trained, he gets supercold and defenisive. They lack human thought and cognitive ability but she trained them to misbehave by rewarding bad behavior. The steroids made her urinate excessively, unbeknownst to us. Then I knew another little personality would enter my life to train, love, and cherish while they were with me. Its been extremely hard to potty train her, if I dont take her out for 2-3 hours she will shit or pee in my kids room ALWAYS THEIR ROOM it makes me so mad. He likes her because she acts sweet to him and he has a lot more patience than I do. He refuses to go anywhere the dog cant have full reign of. If I discipline the dog I am scowled at!! She did not approach the man even when he was waving a 45$ Steak. She had the right to sit anywhere! This cat drives me up the wall, it sheds hair like crazy, bangs on doors and cries all night, it sleeps in our bed if its allowed in and attacks our feet ( bizarre) while my husband lovingly indulges its bad behaviour. It violates their commitment to their dog. I am going thru the same thing as many of you. Honestly, Logan had great points about talking and compromising with your SO in order to have a relationship that benefits everyone (including your dog). I have never in my life seen a dog that sheds soooooo much hair. I told him that he either needs to take her and come up with the deposit for the condo, pay me for all my efforts of cleaning her mud and poop like doggy day care, or stop by every morning and take her to doggy daycare on his way to work. Wink. But I will always place my partner above my pet. You could tell she loved him a lot. Its good that there are normal dog owners like you. Hes been through tons of owners and they have all given up on him. Ive had people say that I dont truly love my dog because we dont allow him on the furniture, and Im like really? We dont want dog hair all on the couch and definitely not in the bed, so he sleeps in his own bed downstairs. Not to mention, it creates all sorts of issues for the dog. The dog is 10 years old roughly and does not listen at all. She has made me want to live again and taught me loving kindness. It is annoying to the point of ruining my mood, even if it does only last a few minutes! Your partner is not jealous of your dog. Your householders have allergies to dogs. Was paper love to do that, specifically the one who doesnt have a dog and is still interested in dogs. I just begged for her to live and promised that even if she was permanently disabled , I would care for her kindly as long as she lived.For another 3-4 days she was still retarded. I dont care. I was tired of this and enforced her laying down, but then it was a battle of her getting up and my telling her to lay down. First of all, its NOT cool that your bf yells at his dog and doesnt treat her well. Because that dog doesnt listen at all! Lots of relationships get stressed and dog lovers are incredibly strange in what they tolerate. My yorkie Rocky being one of them. too much affection drives me nuts. We tried once I had a terrible anxiety attack that didnt go away until we gave the dog back. It also feels that things are getting better between my husband and I. Think about a puppy who bites you as a result of being a bit exceedingly excited. There are deep underlying issues for this type of thinking! Dog owners who pretend their mutts children should be banned from dog ownership they pretend no one else harmed yet are likely responsibility of injuries/deaths and I truly believe passive aggressives with strangely inflated misguided egos where they are center. Louie is only 3 Lbs fully grown so hes met that stipulation (lol). (As He has already said his dog will come first always) He already thinks I despise his dog which I dont he jsut doesnt understand I dont know how to deal with the constant need and attention I love this man and never want to lose him over a dog but how should I go about dealing with this? I can hardly stand the dog at all anymore but I love him to pieces! See, I like that,my wife thinks that dog is a human child and thats one of our problems. They just dont get the socialization they need-especially in winter. I completely broke down in tears. When I joined this forum, I realized that Im not alone and that there is actually a need for support groups over this issue. Please tell me if thats normal? No. we moved in together after we got married and the cat came too. Your post reminds me of when we first got our dog and I was watching the show Its Me Or The Dog for training tips. They seem to outnumber the sane/rational ones! Now we visit them and hes mean to their dogs if his dog dont rule. People reading this may think that is paranoia, but I assure them its not. Its like the dog and my husband are fighting over being the dominant male and I find it silly. I have always thought to myself that I could never get together with someone who had ever been cruel to animals, so I broke up and stayed on my own reflecting for a few days. If your dog is habituated to barking all over the day, this can be the reason why does your husband/boyfriend needs to rehome the dog. He is a loser you will find someone better. Wow. Well, I put my foot down and said NO MORE PETS. Train: You have to spend more time training the dog not to bark. Someone may like pets, and someone may not. I actually use to really enjoy his dogs company, but ever since my fianc and I moved in together (this being our first time living together), I see things a little bit more clearly when it comes to the dog. If the dog lays on the bed, remove the separation anxiety and start taking the steps to end the problem for the sake of your relationship. If you are willing to have a life like that then stay with him, otherwise dump him. Since we have been together 7 years now, problems have started popping up. Anyhow, my wife and my kids think I am a grumpy man because I am not happy living with the dog. Most of these problems come from women, judging by these posts, who overly love their pets and cant seem to compromise other than say if hes not a pet person we cant have a successful relationship. I believe women need to stop giving dogs human characteristics and treat them like an animal. There is a lack of respect of others in a situation like this. yeah? Such a well behaved dog. I have prayed He would take her. Now despite my efforts, the dog is destroying my garden, ripping out my roses especially. Overtime, Ive grown apart from this dog because of its flaws and my girlfriend continues to love this dog almost as much as me (Ha!). Basically, my girlfriend does not have the ability to create boundaries or is willing to instill some discipline with the dog. Animals get between human relationships. We cant go on a cruise because he wants to take IT with us. He treats her the same as yours does his dog. I have tried about everything possible and still tonight he says hes not getting rid of the dog. Yes I have discussed this with him but it doesnt really go anywhere because he gets defensive every time I bring up anything about his child. Ive read quite a few of your posts and I feel that mine situation is not as harsh as all of yours. He spoils his dogs! Thats over and Id be out of there in a heartbeat! Its feeling like Im second best and that ever since that d. Me and my boyfriend have been living together for two years. Although, my pets never ranked higher in the family than my mother, father, sister, brother, or spouse. Even after a grooming she still emits a doggy aroma. Not to mention! Im so glad to hear that. Dogs are animals they should not be sleeping In human beds. Its so ****** up!! I finally told her a few weeks ago that the animal needs to find a new home. Theres highly rated dog food for 1.1/kg but she wouldnt think of it. Its on counters and in the fridge and in our food and even makes it into rooms where shes not allowed. I feel like thats sort of evil and that she lied about who she was. I wish the best for you from one dog lover to another. We are both big-time dog people and love being around furry friends. Perhaps, there is an entitlement issue with people that own chihuahuas? Its the most annoying thing ever! I really dont want to lose either of them. I feel so sorry for her partner. Your husband/boyfriend may want to rehome the dog because of Allergies. I strongly disagree and when I said this, he got really angry at me. Im not without feelings but theres no telling how long the dog could live. I am told that I am being stubborn and I am having to deal with cleaning up pee and poo from places around the house and that I am causing more problems than the dog is. No amount of combing or baths on one of our hairy dogs can help her stinking or shedding. when the dog tried climbing on and continuously this weekend she told the dog off but she just keeps coming back. I have been seeing a man for almost 3 years now. Im sticking to my guns. Divorce him? I am at my wits end with this! Chihuahuas love warm! However I HATE HATE HATE fur! Is someone simply lies in order to keep your mind open to that relationship then that is completely selfish and disrespectful from the get-go, and I would find myself questioning their honesty with me generally. I mean, dogs shed. The dog cant stand up for himself but you can. Professional training has to happen and if you dont have the money for it dont consider getting a pet with considering the likely hood youll find a significant other one day who might not like pets or want that responsibility even if he or she can tolerate them. Its a change for both of us. Anyway, fast forward to this last girlfriend. Yet most of the time something will always get in the way. My husband Hates her behavior but really loves her and cuddles with her. I complete understand your point! Firstly, she has a medium sized dog that is a complete house dog. And he was always telling the dog good girl and she wouldnt do anything! And he is okay with it!! My boyfriend told me he was going to propose to me soon and even has the ring. If the dog is the cause of many conflicts in your family, its a good idea to consult a professional psychologist to seek help. Thats what youll have to look forward to if you are going to be with himsorry. He will agree to keep the dog with you by following the right tactics. She had one nasty bulldog at first which drooled all the time and also snored and farted. I understand the love for animals, but people should also be realistic and its not like I move into a place that he already has with the dogs and kick them out. I argue they have zero quality of life. Hello DK, I just want to say that I see both sides here. My best friend has a dog; she claims shes closer to the dog than she is to her husband because the dog follows her everywhere she goes. Never begged, never up on furniture, never needy. I volunteer at a rescue feeding orphaned baby pups and kittens. I went to bed and my SO comes back to the bedroom to tell me what a POS I am, threatens some bodily injury to myself, says well never have intimate contact again and that shell cut my hands off if I so much as touch her. Chat with your husband/boyfriend: Talk with him very politely and say that you entirely agree and understandable his concern, and ask for another month to correct the behavior. I dont know what to do! Not loved his dog, he was in love with his dog. LOL He never had a pet as a child, he likes animals in their own habitat and not in the house, I want a pet to sit on my knee and to love and stroke. The dog whines to be requested to get let out or other who knows. I was a woman, just remarried, deeply hurt by my husband whom treated his female Labrador with more value, more affection, more it seemed, everything than he did his new bride. He never does it when someone is in the house so we rarely catch him doing it. IMO cooking for your dog is a little over the top and Id be annoyed by it too. Should you have gotten the dog without consulting him? Ive grown up with a couple Shih Tzus, birds, turtles, snakes, etc. I have been thru this many many times and want to tell you dont give in. Like I was abusing the dog! So to get to my story, I moved in with my Gf about 4 years ago. Jrs r waaaay too unpredictable around children. He says he will be doing it today. All I get from your lengthy comment is that no, you dont need a dog and neither a SO in your life. Im not gonna dig into that huge portion of the training. Hed have his arm around her. The only problem is he is also a huge shedder which wasnt a problem before I got married because my Husky had a lovely home outside the house, until after I got married and my husband who is 50x times the animal lover than I am decided that its too cold in California for my husky to live outside he should move inside, it was hard for me to accept the work that was heading in front of me with the my darling husky moving inside and the heap of hair that will be coming into the house. When I am home I do as much as I can with my dog so she is getting the same amount of attention. I love animals, sometimes more than people. A spouse is not inherently loyal to you because humans are not monogamous meaning that something or someone could easily lead them astray. He takes care of the vet and feeding, but, except for his bed, I do the cleaning of dog hair and messes on my floor. A trainer can work with you to make your pet a more mannerly member of the family, and a veterinarian can help you uncover hidden health problems that contribute to annoying behavior. The dog has not done anything wrong. There is no chance in hell after half a decade of being with someone would i let them disrespect me that way. afterall, her behaviour with her dog is not right anyway. My girlfriend forgot she didnt have eggs, and we were short on time because we had to go to her cousins house for a party. A part of me feels like I know that this dog means so much more to him. She has told me and her parents that she feels the same way. Do you ever just feel like ending your relationship because of this issue? It is something I dont believe in and it breaks my heart to even consider. Let me remind you, he does not pee in the house and he does not go out any more than normal. We got into a horrible fight recently over it, he agreed to see if giving his dog anxiety medication would help. Actually I believe he may have been a narcissist. He is well behaved, obedient i took him to puppy classes i give him love he is not spoiled he listens to me. Dear, reading your post made me so sad. so I was against them being out there while we eat, I needed peace! Sometimes we do everything right. So I guess you believe that marriage was also developed by the patriarchy to get people to submit then too? Then throw his ass out. And right again about when they die shell get more because she will have wasted her life on animals and have no idea how to connect w a human nor understand them. The person in this thread who wrote: I never thought in my life I would have to give up my animals. Hes had this dog for six years prior to me, so shes been with him for a long time. Just last year my Siberian Husky Anya was involved in an attempted aduction by my ex boyfriend and he lured her with the exact same example you provided. He thought it was an endearing moment. Julia, Hang in there. I had always boarded my pets, knowing they didnt particularly like it, but they were safe and fed and were happy to see me when I returned. In fact, You will receive an abundance of complaints from the neighbors about your dogs loudness. You trying to manipulate death only imposes on yourself and those who love you. They were shaking so bad and drooling from immense fear. My dog has been at my parents for a month and now my wife says she does not want her back. Although, after a few weeks, she started destroying our home. anyways, just tell him that you can't be around the dog & if he wants to hangout then it has to be in a different location, & you won't be moving in w/ him. If you want to change the way you do something with your petsfor example, allowing Fido to sleep in the bed or taking more frequent walks with your pet and your partnertalk to your partner before taking the plunge rather than making a decision and expecting him or her to abide by it. But I do not require the companionship my finance seems to really seek in her life from an animal, her family had inside dogs growing up. I agree accidents can happen. If you managed to do these things 100% perfectly, your husband/boyfriend wont attempt to rehome the dog. They did not ask for a dog only compensate because they love you and you have one. But Ive realized after these months Im not sure how I feel about the pet and if I can see myself pursuing a deep- marriage like relationship with her because of it. I dont believe in giving boyfriends, girlfriends, husbands or wives ultimatums. Also, if we are sitting outside and eating on the patio that they stay inside. My girlfriend has a Yorkie, which I came into the relationship with her having. I dont not give a monkey to be honest. I basically said no more, I am not staying over if the dog is in the bed. Husband finds this cute. Quite high and mighty of you to push your own agenda of what you consider to be normal. On these dog nuts. Simply because it was how you were raised yet by nature humans are in no way monogamous creatures and thus we are not bound by our instincts to stay together. Why? I may have said some misunderstood and vulgar things but frustration can do a lot of things to the mind. Janet, I dont even understand her attachment to this animal, unlike many of you have stated your partners are very affectionate with their pets. Visit her to be there for her and show your love. I am living it. I ended up caring for Pheobe for 8 years before she died. The dog has health issues and a husband/boyfriend. Second is that your facts arent actual facts. Hes pulled some curtains off the frame and we need to replace it. I wanted the dog and now I dont anymore. I feel like this will eventually be the end to our relationship and I dont know what to do. He does not take the dog for a walk, a bath the dog, or even have time to play with the dog. And at this point I dont know what to do. She got it anyway. Because they are animals. Shes a straight up intelligent manipulative bag. Its constant begging is telling them that the dog can assert dominance and our girlfriends will give in. So I got a dog bed and put it next to our bed. I am fine until he lets her inside, sure she sleeps on the floor on a matt by the door but I cant take it anymore, I dont know what to do! I dont think thats an unfair and unreasonable request considering all that I would be giving up to be with him. Hes a good dad but can not show boundaries or rules to this dog. I never thought a pet could cause a breakup but this thing is about to. I feel like we cant plan our future together as long as the dog does not change his behaviour ! You live your own life and Ill live mine ^_^ Being human doesnt mean I have to cater to the emotional needs of you or others. I already have a 11month old shepard mix male. Its absolute nonsense Ive been seeing someone who really does wish all would except his hyper untrained dirty jack russel is both his child AND strangely also as sexy. A never-ending saga of stupid gross events. It almost feels like Im entering a relationship where I have to accept this dog as a step child! I accepted I have sweep twice per day until my husband gracious decided he would rescue another dog a min pin couple weeks ago who is about 2years old not house broken and use our home including all bedroom as his personal bathroom. Im still trying to get him to potty train.. I guess 20 years was long enough for us, and I have had ducks, turtles, cats, fish, and a monitor (big lizard) all without his blessing and he let me do it, not because it made him happy but because it made me happy. My bf always allowed his dog to sleep with him, then we moved in together and I said absolutely not. She never relieved herself in the house. Has anyone else had these types of issues from dogs? To say I should disregard so many years of love and affection because I didnt do my due diligence to makes sure she didnt sleep with her dog seems ridiculous. You may find that one of you is simply less in love with your pets than the other. Correct his mindset: As a wife/girlfriend, you should be able to correct his mindset. When Your Partner Hates Your Dog: Addressing Disputes Over Pets, Contributed by Zawn Villines, Correspondent. Dog lovers are incredibly strange in what they tolerate is no chance in hell half! 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i want my boyfriend to get rid of his dog